Imagem Mariela

Doutoranda: Mariela Paz González Arriagada. Data: 26/01/2021, às 16:00 horas pelo canal do YouTube (pos.fitopatologia UFV) Link: Orientador: Eduardo Seiti Gomide Mizubuti

One-to-one Interactions involving a microorganism and the plant are broadly known. Nowadays, a new concept is being used, the “holobiome” which involves all microorganisms associated with one plant forming a single unit of selection. The unit is subject to complex ecological and evolutionary processes. Under the paradigm of the holobiome, the pathobiome is of great interest to plant pathologists. The pathobiome corresponds to all microorganisms associated with the host that regulate plant health status. This seminar will address three case-studies that illustrate the effects of cropping systems on the pathobiome, the crucial role played by HUB taxa, and the contributions of network analysis to understand communities and address questions of interest related to disease management. A critical assessment of the current information and agricultural expectations will be presented.

Foto: Agler et al., 2016. Microbial Hub Taxa Link Host and Abiotic Factors to Plant Microbiome Variation. PLOS Biology, 14(1): e1002352