Imagem seminário - MARINAPrelecionista: Marina Bracale Data: 31/05/2022, às 16h, no Auditório do prédio ESB Orientador: Robert Barreto

Resumo: Since the old times, humanity has suffered from shortage of food caused by severe epidemics on their main crops. Plant pathogens have historically been present at many humanitarian crises related to food security. The impact of plant diseases can be stark. Famine can result if no systems are in place to replace lost crops. To this day, losses due to plant diseases go beyond production and yield, they affect the livelihood of thousands of people around the world, especially those in food insecurity. The challenge of feeding the current and future world population is widely recognized, and plant pathology plays an important role in overcoming it. In this seminar, the devastating stem rust of wheat that caused many epidemics around the globe and is still a threat to mankind will be discussed as a painful reminder that “rusts never sleep”. Along with another important and insidious plant disease, this time related to the cassava crop, a virus disease complex known as the “Ebola of plants” will be addressed since many rely heavily on cassava as a subsistence crop. Finally, it is important to recognize that the main phytopathogens of the past never really left the scene, remaining active and still posing real threats to food security. As declared by the United Nations 2020 was the International Year of Plant Health, representing an international recognition of the relevance of plant pathology’s potential contributions to the future of mankind.