Seminars of the Graduate Program of Plant Pathology at UFV





Special Seminar (19 nov 18:00h): You’re not my type: DNA as type and modern fungal taxonomy

19 Novembro 2018. 18:00. Local: Sala de reuniões do DFP. Madison McCuculloch. Estudante de mestrado da University of Kentucky. Humans have a natural tendency to order the world around them because once something has been categorized, it can be further studied and understood. The scientific discipline of biological classification is taxonomy, and […]

Seminário Especial: Phylogenomics and genome-enabled molecular diagnostics for blast diseases

Prelecionista: Prof. Mark Farman. Department of Plant Pathology, Healthcare Genomics Center, University of Kentucky. (15/05/2018, às 16:00 horas). Genome sequencing has transformed the field of phylogenetics to provide unprecedented insights into organismal evolution. This is especially so in the case of the fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae (syn. Pyricularia oryzae) – a serious pathogen […]

Special Seminar: A Novel Antiviral Role of an Essential Chromatin-associated Cellular Protein in Tombusvirus Replication in Yeast and Plants

Nesta segunda-feira, dia 23 de abril de 2017, as 16 h na sala de reuniões do DFP, será transmitido por videoconferência o Seminário “A Novel Antiviral Role of an Essential Chromatin-associated Cellular Protein in Tombusvirus Replication in Yeast and Plants “, a ser apresentado pela estudante de doutorado da […]

Special Seminar: Genetic diversity and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum species affecting sorghum in the southern United States

Profa. Lisa Vaillancourt (07/11/2017, às 16:00 h), University of Kentucky. Título:  “Genetic and pathogenic diversity of Colletotrichum species affecting Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum halepense in the southeastern United States”.